Professional Email
For Your Business

Backed by Markitome,
Powered by Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace

Why choose our Business Email Services?

Enhanced Professionalism

Build trust with clients and partners through a personalized, domain-based email address.

Powerful Platforms

Choose between Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, both offering industry-leading features and security.

Seamless Integration

Integrate your email with calendars, contacts, cloud storage, and other productivity tools.

Ample Storage

Never worry about running out of space for your emails and attachments.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Protect your sensitive data with advanced security measures and spam filtering.

Dedicated Support

Our team is here to assist you with setup, migration, and any questions you have.

Key Features of Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

Includes familiar apps like Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, along with cloud storage and advanced collaboration tools.

Offers Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive for seamless cloud-based work and collaboration.

Who needs Business Email?

Small Businesses

Project a professional image and gain credibility with clients.

Growing Companies

Scale your email solution to meet the needs of your expanding team.


Benefit from enterprise-grade security, compliance features, and administrative controls.

Ready to upgrade your business communication?

Thousands of customers rely on our domains and web hosting to get their ideas online.

Get the help you need 24/7. Call our expert at (480) 624-2500 or  1 (800) 121 0120.

We’re here for you every step of the way.